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  1. Learn how DES helped the Washington State Department of Commerce lease a net-zero office space for its Spokane-based business operations. How a rapid-growth fire unit gained new space for its operations. The Department of Natural Resourced turned to DES to find a space to better accommodate hardworking firefighters.

  2. Des is a British three-part television drama miniseries, based on the 1983 arrest of Scottish serial killer Dennis Nilsen, after the discovery of human remains causing the blockage of a drain near his home. The series premiered on 14 September 2020. Cast. David ...

  3. Definición de des- en el Diccionario de español en línea. Significado de des- diccionario. traducir des- significado des- traducción de des- Sinónimos de des-, antónimos de des-. Información sobre des- en el Diccionario y Enciclopedia En Línea Gratuito. pref. Componente de palabra procedente del lat. dis, que indica negación, privación, acción inversa deshabitar; desactivar.

  4. › disability-and-carers-programs-services › employment-services-forEmployment services for people with disability

    Providers of DES — called DES providers— are a mix of large, medium and small for-profit and not-for-profit organisations experienced in supporting people with disability, as well as helping employers to support employees with disability in the workplace. To find a DES provider: visit the DES provider search page on JobAccess

  5. Les dés sont utilisés pour générer des nombres aléatoires dans des jeux de hasard, par exemple dans le craps et le yahtzee, et sont également largement utilisés dans les jeux de société (comme trictrac et Monopoly) et les jeux de rôle sur table (JdR) tels que D&D.

  6. How does DES work? DES uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message, so both the sender and the receiver must know and use the same private key.DES was once the go-to, symmetric key algorithm for the encryption of electronic data, but it has been superseded by the more secure Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm.Some key features affecting how DES works include the following:

  7. Desmos Studio offers free graphing, scientific, 3d, and geometry calculators used globally. Access our tools, partner with us, or explore examples for inspiration.

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