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  1. › peruvian-food-guide › vegetables-veggiesMashua (Masho–Añu) - LimaEasy

    7 de may. de 2021 · Mashua, also known as añu, is a root vegetable indigenous to the Andean highlands and cultivated since ancient times. The tubers vary in size and shape. Mashua can be white or yellow; some varieties are even red or purple on the outside. Consumed raw Mashua has a peppery flavor that disappears when cooked. Mashua tubers are eaten boiled, baked ...

  2. La mashua, el ancestral tubérculo andino, posee altos niveles de compuestos fenólicos que ayudan a minimizar el riesgo de enfermedades causadas por estrés oxidativo, hepáticas y renales, así como trastornos urinarios y de próstata.. Así lo determinó un reciente estudio científico realizado por la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, la Universidad Científica del Sur y la Estación ...

  3. Mashua, Tropaeolum tuberosum, is a perennial climber bearing small, lobed, glaucous leaves and from midsummer to the first frosts, orange-yellow flowers held on long spurs. Grown up a sunny, sheltered wall, Tropaeolum tuberosum will quickly clothe it in foliage and flowers, providing a long season of interest.

  4. GMas#5 :: Mashua Blanco Mashua. Mashua Blanco originated in Columbia according to Cardenas, a Bolivian botanist. This mashua is known to be the easiest and most productive, though the tubers are not as showy as other types. The 2-6” white and cream-colored edible tubers have purple “eyes” and fine purple speckles near the stem.

  5. 5 de jun. de 2023 · The black mashua, whose scientific name is Tropaeolum tuberosum, is a tuber native to the highlands of the Andean region, which includes countries such as Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Colombia. It belongs to the Tropaeolaceae family and stands out for its particular conical and sharp shape, whose size varies from 7 to 33 centimeters long.. It’s estimated that there are about 100 types of ...

  6. 6 de jun. de 2024 · Tal es el caso de la Mashua Negra, un tubérculo originario de Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia y Colombia que es más conocido como el ‘Oro Negro’ por sus propiedades nutricionales y medicinales.

  7. Mashua. Leaves of various plants and trees found in this world are rich in minerals and supplements. Traditional medical practitioners prescribe the capsules, tonics, tablets and powders prepared from leaves of the plant to various patients. Plant’s leaves are rich in fiber, iron and potassium, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

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