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    James McKeen Cattell
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  1. 4 de dic. de 2018 · James McKeen Cattell (Library of Congress, n.d.). Early Life: James M. Cattell was born in 1860 in Pennsylvania. His father, William C. Cattell was the president of Lafayette College where Cattell began his formal studies in 1876 and thrived academically (Sokal, 2015). Cattell’s father experienced anxiety issues despite his achievements and looked to his wife…

  2. Illuminates how one man, James McKeen Cattell, played a leading role in the growth of both the American Psychological Association and the New York Academy of Sciences, and suggests that few have done so much for institutional sciences as Cattell. Sokal emphasises the major roles that Cattell played in the New York scientific community from 1891, when he moved to Columbia, through 1902, when ...

  3. From Mind, XI, (1886), 63-65. Cattell's studies of word perception had considerable influence upon educational psychology as well as upon experimental psychology. The relation of the sensation to the stimulus and the time taken up by mental processes are the two subjects in which the best results have been reached by experimental psychology. These results are important enough to prove those to ...

  4. Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944, berühmter Experimental- und Persönlichkeitspsychologe bzw.Psychodiagnostiker, Wegbereiter des amerikanischen Behaviorismus und Vertreter der funktionalistischen Tradition. Er gehörte von Beginn an der APA an. Cattell setzte um 1890 die Experimentalpsychologie ein, um mit Hilfe der u.a. auf ihn zurückgehenden "mental tests" auf systematische Weise ...

  5. ¿Cómo surgió la denominación Cattell® Psicólogos?

  6. Biographie de JAMES MCKEEN CATTELL (1860-1944). Les historiens de la psychologie sont unanimes à reconnaître l'ampleur de la personnalité de James Cattell et l'influence déterminante qu'il exerça sur le développement de la psychologie aux États-Unis. Comme la plupart des psychologues...

  7. 26 de sept. de 2015 · James McKeen Cattell (1860-1944) fue un destacado psicólogo y pedagogo norteamericano, originario de Eaton, Pensilvania. Su formación abarcó diversas universidades en Estados Unidos y Europa. En 1887, se convirtió en el primer profesor de Psicología en la Universidad de Pensilvania, donde se estableció la primera cátedra de esta disciplina en el país.