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  1. A fracture is a discontinuity in a bone (or cartilage) resulting from mechanical forces that exceed the bone's ability to withstand them. [1] Fractures can occur in a variety of methods: Weakened bone from a focal lesion (e.g. metastasis, or bone cyst), known as pathological fractures.

  2. 5 de dic. de 2022 · A fracture is a broken bone. Common causes of broken bones include injuries, weakened bones such as osteoporosis and overuse (stress fractures). There are many different types of fractures and they can be described in different ways. Symptoms include pain, swelling, tenderness, bleeding or bruising around the injured area.

  3. An open fracture is when the sharp end of a broken bone has poked through your skin. Often, the bone goes back in and there's just a little cut. But sometimes the bone is sticking out. An open fracture can let germs and dirt get into the broken bone and cause a bone infection Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis is a bone infection. Bone is living tissue and can get infected like any other part of your ...

  4. › wiki › FractureFracture - Wikipedia

    Fracture is the appearance of a crack or complete separation of an object or material into two or more pieces under the action of stress.The fracture of a solid usually occurs due to the development of certain displacement discontinuity surfaces within the solid. If a displacement develops perpendicular to the surface, it is called a normal tensile crack or simply a crack; if a displacement ...

  5. Les principales complications malgré le traitement sont : La récupération incomplète de la mobilité d'une articulation, surtout si la fracture touche l'articulation. La douleur résiduelle. La pseudarthrose . Dans ce cas, la fracture ne se ressoude pas, ce qui entraîne une instabilité et des douleurs.

  6. 23 de ene. de 2014 · Les principaux symptômes d'une fracture. Le tout premier symptôme d’une fracture est une intense douleur qui augmente rapidement lorsqu’on touche ou qu’on bouge le membre, mais il y en a plusieurs autres qui peuvent survenir (en tout ou en partie) selon les cas : Gonflement. Contusion. Hématome, ecchymose. Os disloqué.

  7. 5 de may. de 2023 · A minor fracture (such as a stress fracture) can be hard to tell from a bone bruise because they cause similar symptoms, including swelling and pain. The main difference is that a fracture results in a break in the bone, while a bone bruise creates tiny cracks in the bone. Healthcare providers can tell the difference by using X-rays and MRIs.

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