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  1. Reseña: The Practice of Management | PDF | Toma de decisiones | Marketing. Reseña Libro de Peter Drucker by syvara-1.

  2. Peter F. Drucker. 4.25. 1,999 ratings63 reviews. A classic since its publication in 1954, The Practice of Management was the first book to look at management as a whole and being a manager as a separate responsibility. The Practice of Management created the discipline of modern management practices. Readable, fundamental, and basic, it remains ...

  3. Libro de bolsillo – 1 Enero 1989. The first book to depict management as a distinct function and to recognize managing as a separate responsibility, this classic work by Peter Drucker is the fundamental and basic book for understanding these ideas.Author Peter F. Drucker was born in 1909 in Vienna and was educated there and in England.

  4. This guideline is published as a supplement supported by KDIGO. The development and publication of this guideline are strictly funded by KDIGO, and neither KDIGO nor its guideline Work Group members sought or received monies or fees from corporate or commercial entities in connection with this work. The opinions or views expressed in this professional education supplement are those of the ...

  5. December 15, 2009. Edited by WorkBot. link works. September 30, 2008. Created by ImportBot. Imported from Oregon Libraries MARC record . The Practice of Management by Peter F. Drucker, 1954, Harper edition, in English - [1st ed.]

  6. Para cualquier consulta contacte con el Servicio de Atención al Cliente: Teléfono. 91 602 01 82. Correo electrónico.

  7. Management's judgment is based on the risk ratings and performance of individual loan investments, economic conditions, and other factors considered significant by management. El ju ic io de la administración se basa en la calificación del riesgo y el desempeño de cada inversión en particular, la coyuntura económica y otros fac to res q ue la administración co nsi dera im portantes.