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  1. Shadow Fiend/Lore. It is said that Nevermore the Shadow Fiend has the soul of a poet, and in fact he has thousands of them. Over the ages he has claimed the souls of poets, priests, emperors, beggars, slaves, philosophers, criminals and (naturally) heroes; no sort of soul escapes him. What he does with them is unknown.

  2. Shadow Fiend almacena sus almas capturadas para liberarlas en forma de oleadas de energía demoníaca. Las unidades cercanas a Shadow Fiend pueden recibir daños cuando libera las almas. Las unidades dañadas por Réquiem de las Almas sufrirán una ralentización de velocidad de movimiento y daño de ataque. Las oleadas de energía se crean ...

  3. Doom has several disable abilities to choose from jungle creeps (e.g. War Stomp, Ensnare) to deal with Shadow Fiend who lacks escape abilities. When Doom combines creep abilities with Scorched Earth, Infernal Blade, and Doom, Shadow Fiend most likely will die as he cannot use Shadowraze and Requiem of Souls to protect himself, and also cannot even flee by using Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger.

  4. Link ️ I thought I hated demons, but I didn't know what hate was till I met that Shadow Fiend. Link ️ Next time, Shadow Fiend, leave a little juice in those souls. Link ️ п What can I say? You looked a little full. Link ️ п All the souls in existence could not fill that void, Shadow Fiend.

  5. 21 de oct. de 2013 · Comezamos con Maestría Nigromántica, Shadow Fiend obtiene daño adicional al matar a una unidad (si la unidad asesinada es un héroe obtiene 12 almas), al morir libera la mitad de las almas ocasionando daño, xD.Seguimos con Sombra Arrasante, Shadow Fiend arrasa el área delante de él, infligiendo daño a todas las unidades enemigas en el área (daño zonal).

  6. Aprende a elegir un counter para Shadow Fiend o cuándo elegirlo desde nuestra lista de counters y matchups actualizada para el meta actual.

  7. The second set of voice lines are used when having the Demon Eater cosmetic item equipped. ️ ️ Nevermore… ️ ️ Nevermore is here. ️ ️ I come for souls. ️ ️ I sense the proximity of souls… ️ ️ It's now or Nevermore. ️ ️ It's now or never. ️ ️ Never say Nevermore…. ️ ️ Souls await! ️ ️ Fear my presence. ️ ️ Souls! ️ ️ Shadow Fiend. ️ ️ Your ...

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