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  1. Republica Congo ( franceză République du Congo; Kongo: Repubilika ya Kongo; Lingala: Republiki ya Kongó ), cunoscută și ca Republica Congo, Congo de Vest, Congo-Brazzaville sau simplu Congo, este o țara situată în Africa Centrală. Este mărginită de cinci țări: Gabon și Oceanul Atlantic la vest; Camerun în partea de nord-vest ...

  2. In the case concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda), the DRC founded the jurisdiction of the Court on the declarations of acceptance of the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court made by the two States. On 19 June 2000, the DRC filed a Request for the indication of provisional ...

  3. 15 de may. de 2024 · Since 1996, conflict in eastern DRC has led to approximately six million deaths. The First Congo War (1996–1997) began in the wake of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, during which ethnic Hutu ...

  4. La Repubblica del Congo (nota anche come Congo-Brazzaville o ex Congo francese; in francese: République du Congo; in kituba: Repubilika ya Kongo; in lingala: Republiki ya Kongó) è uno Stato dell'Africa centrale e un'ex-colonia francese.Dal 1969 al 1992 fu denominata Repubblica Popolare del Congo.La capitale è Brazzaville.. Confina a nord con il Camerun e la Repubblica Centrafricana, a est ...

  5. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been dealing with compounded problems from armed conflict, displaced populations, severe food insecurity, disease, and natural disasters. Ongoing conflicts in Eastern DRC have threatened the safety of vulnerable communities, and a range from flooding to drought has caused setbacks in agriculture, income, and people’s overall livelihoods.

  6. La República del Congo [1] [2] (sovint coneguda abans com a Congo Brazzaville, per diferenciar-la de la veïna República Democràtica del Congo, anteriorment anomenada Congo Kinshasa i Zaire) és un estat de l' Àfrica equatorial. Limita a l'oest amb el Gabon, al nord amb el Camerun i la República Centreafricana, a l'est i al sud amb la ...

  7. 22 de may. de 2024 · Since September, 2021 the United States has donated 4,257,950 safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses with the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This includes 2,830,230 Pfizer, 250,320 Moderna, and 1,177,400 J&J doses. Of the 4,257,950 vaccine doses, 72% were donated in partnership with COVAX and 28% were donated through AVAT.

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