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  1. Georgetown busca avanzar la investigación interdisciplinaria en torno a cuatro temas principales: la gobernanza y el estado de derecho; el desarrollo económico y la innovación; la inclusión social y cultural; y la sostenibilidad y el medio ambiente.

  2. 13 de feb. de 2024 · Over two-and-a-quarter-centuries, Georgetown has grown into a global University, shaped by our identity as a Catholic and Jesuit institution and our home in Washington, D.C. Our commitment to excellence has never been stronger and we have never been more excited about our future than right now. John J. DeGioia, President, Georgetown University President DeGioia on […]

  3. Georgetown University meets the full financial need of all eligible undergraduate students and a student’s need for financial assistance does not negatively impact their chances of admissions. In fact, Georgetown nearly doubled the number of incoming students with exceptional financial need – through eligibility for the Pell grant – in the 2024-2025 school year.

  4. En colaboración con la Oficina de Educación Ejecutiva de McDonough School of Business, el Latin America Leadership Program (LALP) colabora con instituciones y empresas diseñando programas de liderazgo personalizados según sus objetivos de formación profesional y objetivos comerciales. Los programas se implementan en la universidad de Georgetown o en la región.

  5. For more than 50 years, Georgetown's English Language Center has been helping students connect with the world through flexible language programs offered in the heart of Washington, D.C. Whether you're interested in improving your English, preparing for academic life at an American university, or teaching English as a foreign language, we've got a program for you.

  6. O guia grátis para a Universidade de Georgetown 2024 Você tem interesse em estudar na Georgetown? Este é o guia completo da instituição. Nós fomos longe para descobrir como entrar na Georgetown, pagar por ela e fazer um tour virtual, tudo no conforto da sua própria casa. A Georgetown está à procura de estudantes de outros países para se juntarem à sua comunidade, você pode ser um ...

  7. La Universidad de Georgetown, Washington, Distrito de Columbia, "es el mas antiguo establecimiento literario en los Estados Unidos. Fue fundada inmediatamente al terminar la Guerra Revolucionaria, por el Clero Católico incorporado de Maryland, quienes seleccionaron de su número los miembros de la Junta Directiva, y les otorgaron el pleno poder para elegir un Presidente y nombrar Profesores.

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