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  1. Jackson Pollock's greatness lies in developing one of the most radical abstract styles in the history of modern art, detaching line from color, redefining the categories of drawing and painting, and finding new means to describe pictorial space. Jackson Pollock was born in Cody, Wyoming in 1912. His father, LeRoy Pollock was a farmer and later ...

  2. Jackson Pollock made Number 1, 1949 by pouring paint from cans and splattering it from the tips of sticks over an unstretched canvas lying on his studio floor.Because of this orientation, Pollock was physically within the field of the canvas as he spontaneously, rhythmically applied paint. Some critics of the time considered such painting an “arena for action.”

  3. Entre las obras más famosas de Jackson Pollock se encuentran "Mural" (1943), "Número 1A" (1948), "Lucifer" (1947) y "Otoño: Conciencia numérica" (1950). ... La obra de Jackson Pollock tuvo un impacto duradero en el arte contemporáneo y sigue siendo objeto de estudio y admiración en todo el mundo.

  4. Jackson Pollock besuchte von 1925 bis 1927 die Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles mit Schwerpunkt Kunst und arbeitete in den Jahren 1927 bis 1929 als Landvermesser in Kalifornien.Von 1929 bis 1931 studierte er an der Art Students League in New York bei Thomas Hart Benton, einem führenden Regionalisten.Vertreter dieser in der Zeit der Großen Depression erfolgreichen antimodernistischen ...

  5. 11 de jun. de 2023 · Einleitung. Jackson Pollocks Gemälde „Nummer 1A, 1948 (Lavender Mist)“ gilt weithin als ikonisches Meisterwerk und eines der berühmtesten Kunstwerke der Bewegung des Abstrakten Expressionismus. Dieses außergewöhnliche Kunstwerk aus dem Jahr 1948 fasziniert weiterhin Kunstliebhaber und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen.

  6. The artwork titled “Number 1A, 1948” was created by the influential artist Jackson Pollock in the year 1948. This significant piece is an oil on canvas and exemplifies the technique of action painting, a style that is characteristic of the Abstract Expressionist movement. The artwork’s substantial dimensions are 68 inches by 8 feet 8 ...

  7. 4 de dic. de 2018 · Título original: Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) Museo: Museo Metropolitano, Nueva York (Estados Unidos) 267 x 526 cm. Escrito por: Miguel Calvo Santos. Una de las pinturas más características del periodo de goteo de Pollock. En torno a 1950 Jackson Pollock estaba en uno de sus mejores momentos creativos y de éxito de crítica.

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    jackson pollock 1a drawing