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  1. 7 de jul. de 2014 · Cambridge spies play pleases critics. Published. 4 April 2014 'Cambridge spy' recording broadcast. Published. 17 January 2014. The spy who went into the cold. Published. 18 November 2013.

  2. The Cambridge Five title for the five spies actually came about based on the account of Soviet defector Anatoli Golitsyn. Golitsyn had used the term “Ring of Five” to describe the Soviet’s belief that they were the only five reliable spies that had been recruited in Britain. Golitysn identified Maclean, Burgess and Philby as being members ...

  3. 2 / 4 The spies become part of the 1930s British establishment. Episode 1 1 / 4 In 1934, Cambridge undergraduates Kim Philby and Donald Maclean are recruited as spies.

  4. The intricate web of espionage during the Cold War weaves a story that often feels extracted straight from the realms of fiction. Among these tales, few capture the imagination and shock value quite like that of the Cambridge Five. These were not faceless bureaucrats hidden deep within the machinery of government; they were the British elite, men educated at one of the world's most prestigious ...

  5. 1 de may. de 2016 · Cambridge Spies 2003: 2.7 GB: Cambridge Spies [mini 2003] Complete (XviD asd) EnglishV+NapisyP: 875.76 MB: Cambridge Spies ( 3.50 GB: Cambridge Spies (2003) 2.73 GB: Cambridge Spies - Series (2003) 2.7 GB: Cambridge spies - disk 2 of 2: 4.4 GB: Cambridge spies - disk 1 of 2: 4.36 GB: Cambridge Spies: 2.7 GB [剑桥间谍 ...

  6. Die Cambridge Five waren ein Spionagering des NKWD und später des KGB im britischen Geheimdienst MI5 und teilweise auch in der CIA.Sie gelten als die erfolgreichsten Agenten in westlichen Nachrichtendiensten.. Kim Philby (Deckname: Söhnchen), Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt und John Cairncross wurden in den 1930ern am Trinity College der Universität Cambridge angeworben.

  7. 26 de dic. de 2018 · 英文全名 Cambridge Spies Season 1 (2003)BBC: 1934年,苏联海外谍报机构在英国剑桥大学秘密招募了三个青年学生,他们的名字是菲尔比,伯格斯和迈克林。当时英伦三岛仍然被世界经济危机的阴影所笼罩,法西斯德国和意大利又在欧洲大陆崛起,斯大林铁腕统治下的苏联被很多西方理想主义的青年视为 ...