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  1. In fact, Niketas owed so much to Euthymios that Ferdinand Cavallera abandoned his plans for an unabridged edition of the text since with regard to most ancient heresies, Niketas’ Dogmatike Panoplia was only ‘a second revised and extended edition of the one by Euthymios’.12 Yet Euthymios Zigabenos and Niketas were in very different positions.

  2. 2 . INTRODUCTION i. Niketas Choniates and the Chronike Diegesis «Historical narratives, indeed, have been invented for the common benefit of the mankind». With these words on the prelude of Chronike Diegesis, Niketas Choniates expresses with the best possible way the role and the importance of the science of History and the historians1.

  3. Ezen az oldalon mindenféle hasznos és érdekes információt találhatsz meg a Nikétás névvel kapcsolatban. a Nikétás név névnapjai hasznosak lesznek a közelgő jeles napok meghatározásához ( hogy még időben felkészülhess rá ), a Nikétás név jelentése / származása a név eredetéről árul el értékes információkat, a Nikétás név számmisztikai analízise pedig ...

  4. Niketas Chalkoutzes. El patrikios Niketas Chalkoutzes (en griego: Νικήτας Χαλκούτζης) fue un general bizantino, el primer miembro atestiguado de la familia Chalkoutzes, y más notable por su recuperación de Chipre de los árabes en 965. Es el primer miembro atestiguado de la familia Chalkoutzes o Chalkoutses, cuyos miembros se ...

  5. Nicetas Orifas (en griego: Νικήτας ὁ Ὀρύφας o Ὠορυφᾶς; transl.: Niketas ò Orýphas o Ooryphas; fl. 860-873) 1 fue un distinguido alto funcionario, patricio 2 y almirante bizantino que sirvió durante los reinados de los emperadores Miguel III el Ebrio (842-867) y Basilio I el Macedonio (867-886) y destacó por ...

  6. Niketas Choniates. Niketas Choniates ( tiếng Hy Lạp: Νικήτας Χωνιάτης, khoảng 1155 – 1217 ), có họ là Akominatos (Ἀκομινάτος), là một quan chức và sử gia Đông La Mã gốc Hy Lạp – giống như anh trai Mikhael Akominatos, người cùng với ông rời khỏi quê quán của họ là Chonae ...

  7. NIKETAS OF NIKOMEDEIA began spreading throughout the territory of the whole Empire (Constantinople, Cappadocia, Peloponnesus, Attica, Chios, etc.).27 At the same time, a number of seals with image of St. Niketas appeared,28 and the first churches dedicated to the saint were built outside Mopsuestia.29 It is also important to keep in mind that sometime at the end of the tenth century the story ...