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  1. Wolfgang Pauli. Austrian-born scientist Wolfgang Ernst Pauli made numerous important contributions to twentieth-century theoretical physics, including explaining the Zeeman effect, first postulating the existence of the neutrino, and developing what has come to be known as the Pauli exclusion principle. A cornerstone of the modern understanding ...

  2. Wolfgang Pauli ili Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (Beč, 25. travnja 1900. – Zürich, 15. prosinca 1958.), austrijsko-švicarski matematičar i kvantni fizičar, jedan od utemeljitelja kvantne mehanike. Doktorirao (1921.) kod A. Sommerfelda na Sveučilištu u Münchenu.Nakon poslijedoktorske specijalizacije kod N. Bohra u Kopenhagenu i M. Borna u Göttingenu, otišao je 1923. na Sveučilište u ...

  3. On the 25 July 1949 Pauli became a Swiss citizen. At the age of 58, Wolfgang Ernst Friedrich Pauli died on 15 December 1958 at the Red Cross Hospital in Zürich, Switzerland. 1. Photo: Wolfgang Pauli at 20 months with his mother, December 1901.

  4. Wolfgang Ernst Pauli ( 25. dubna 1900, Vídeň – 15. prosince 1958, Curych) byl rakouský fyzik (z většiny židovského původu), jeden z nejvýznamnějších teoretických fyziků první poloviny 20. století. Zkoumal teorii relativity a kvantovou mechaniku. V roce 1945 mu byla udělena Nobelova cena za fyziku za formulaci tzv. Pauliho ...

  5. Wolfgang Pauli (1900 - 1958) Biographical history. Wolfgang Ernst Friedrich Pauli was born in Vienna on the 25th April 1900, the son of Wolfgang Joseph Pauli, a medical doctor, and of Bertha Schütz. Pauli was soon intellectually influenced by his father, also a distinguished professor of colloid chemistry and his godfather Ernst Mach, a physicist.

  6. Wolfgang Pauli (Viena, 25 de abril de 1900-Zúrich, 15 de diciembre de 1958) fue un físico austriaco, nacionalizado suizo y luego estadounidense. Citas [ editar ] NOTA: Salvo en los casos que cuentan con referencia en español, la traducción de las citas incluidas en esta sección es propia del usuario que las aporta.

  7. 21 de nov. de 2023 · Wolfgang Ernst Pauli graduated with honors in 1918 from Doblinger-Gymnasium in Vienna. Two months after his graduation, he published his first paper on Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity .