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  1. 1921年,诺贝尔生理学或医学奖由于没有合适的人选而导致空缺。 到了1922年的年底,英国生理学家阿奇博尔德•维维安•希尔(Archibald Vivian Hill,1886-1977)和德国生物化学家奥托•弗利兹•迈尔霍夫同时获得了…

  2. Archibald Vivian Hill (26 September 1886 – 3 Juni 1977) ialah fisiolog dan biofisikawan Inggris yang menerima (dengan Otto Meyerhof) Penghargaan Nobel dalam Fisiologi atau Kedokteran tahun 1922 untuk penemuan yang berkaitan dengan produksi panas dalam otot. Penelitiannya membantu pendirian asal mula kekuatan otot dalam gangguan karbohidrat dengan pembentukan asam laktat dalam kekurangan oksigen.

  3. Archibald Vivian Hill (Bristol, 1886. szeptember 26. – Cambridge, 1977. június 3.) angol fiziológus, biofizikus. 1922-ben Otto Meyerhoffal megosztva orvostudományi Nobel-díjban részesült az izmok hőtermelésének kutatásáért. Tanulmányai. A ...

  4. 26 de sept. de 2022 · On September 26, 1886, English physiologist and Nobel Laureate Archibald Vivian Hill was born. Hill is one of the founders of the diverse disciplines of biophysics and operations research.He shared the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his elucidation of the production of heat and mechanical work in muscles. “One knows that after violent exercise one breathes heavily for some ...

  5. To judge by the family tree which he himself drew, the name ‘Archibald Vivian' must have been a new departure. There were successions of Jameses and Jonathans, several Johns, an occasional Charles, George, Samuel, etc. among them, but apparently no precedent for Archibald or Vivian. A.

  6. Archibald Vivian Hill (1886-1977), Physiologist. Sitter in 13 portraits Physiologist; Nobel Prizewinner (1922). Hill pioneered the subject of biophysics, working particularly on the measurement of heat production and energy exchanges in nerve and muscle.

  7. Beginning in 1910, A. V. Hill performed careful experiments on the time course of heat production in isolated frog muscle. His research paralleled that of the German biochemist Otto Meyerhof, who measured the changes in muscle glycogen and lactate during contractions and recovery. For their work in …