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  1. A Austrália é um país insular localizado na Oceania e representa 89,8% de toda a área do continente. Além disso, trata-se do sexto maior país do mundo em extensão territorial, que é ...

  2. Hace 4 días · Australia severed most constitutional links with the UK in 1942 but remained part of the British Commonwealth. Australia’s post-war economy boomed and by the 1970s, racial policies that prevented most non-Whites from immigrating to Australia were removed, greatly increasing Asian immigration to the country.

  3. Australien (amtlicher deutscher Name; englisch Commonwealth of Australia, deutsch veraltet Australischer Bund) ist ein Staat auf der Südhalbkugel der Erde, der das Festland des australischen Kontinents, die ihr südlich vorgelagerte Insel Tasmanien, die subantarktische Macquarieinsel mit ihren Nebeninseln und als Außengebiete die pazifische Norfolkinsel, die Kokosinseln, die Weihnachtsinsel ...

  4. *Product Disclaimer: Tourism Australia is not the owner, operator, advertiser or promoter of the listed products and services.Information on listed products and services, including Covid-safe accreditations, are provided by the third-party operator on their website or as published on Australian Tourism Data Warehouse where applicable.

  5. Australia is truly one of the most unique, diverse and welcoming destinations on the planet, offering all travellers a chance to reconnect, relax, explore and have fun.

  6. Situación geográfica de Australia. Australia forma parte de Oceanía y es un país totalmente independiente. Se encuentra ubicado sobre la placa indo-australiana y es considerada como uno de loas masas continentales más antiguas de la tierra. Cuenta con alrededor de 7.800.000 kilómetros cuadrados en superficie y es la isla de mayor tamaño en todo el mundo.

  7. 3 de oct. de 2019 · Australia is located in Oceania between the Indian and South Pacific Oceans. Although it is a large country, its topography is not too varied, and most of it consists of low desert plateau. The southeast, however, does have fertile plains. Australia's climate is mostly arid to semiarid, but the south and east are temperate and the north is ...

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