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  1. 10 de sept. de 2021 · In A Nutshell The Card Counter is a 2021 film directed by Paul Schrader. The cast and crew managed to finish the movie just as lockdown and social distancing restrictions were being imposed in 2020. Schrader explains that many of the essential scenes in the movie were shot within a span of five days – no small feat for any film.

  2. 24 de nov. de 2021 · Les Films à VOIR ? Ils sont ICI CARD COUNTER Bande Annonce VF (2021) Oscar Isaac, Tye Sherid...

  3. 23 de sept. de 2021 · The Card Counter, Paul Schrader’s new movie (in theaters now and streaming on demand starting October 1st), gives him plenty of headspace to self-examine, literalizing his psyche in the confines ...

  4. The Card Counter ist ein Thriller von Paul Schrader, der im September 2021 bei den Internationalen Festspielen von Venedig seine Premiere feierte und am 10. September 2021 in die US-Kinos kam. Das Werk ist der zweite Teil einer unbetitelten Filmtrilogie Schraders, die er mit First Reformed (2017) begonnen hatte und mit Master Gardener (2022) abschloss.

  5. 2 de sept. de 2021 · #算牌人# (The Card Counter ) 节奏挺慢的,特别需要耐心,最后结尾部分还是觉得值得等待,好在没中途放弃。可是,不确定会有多少人有这个耐心把它看完。 很多电影之所以要去影展参展,就是因为知道如果不入围影展,基本上没有人感兴趣去看。

  6. 9 de feb. de 2022 · In The Card Counter heet hij William Tell (niet zijn echte naam), een man die nogal wat op zijn kerfstok heeft om zich schuldig te voelen. Hij is The Card Counter en brengt zijn dagen door met het spelen van blackjack en poker in tweede- en derderangscasino's, regelmatig ook in slecht verlichte, niet al te schone zaaltjes.

  7. The Card Counter plunges into colder, more punishing waters - a total lack of future. Review by Ethan Colburn ★★½ 8. There's a scene in this movie written by a (wonderful) 75-year-old man in which Tye Sheridan explains to Oscar Isaac what Google Maps is. Review by Brian Formo ★★ 18.