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  1. Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass is a groundbreaking work of American literature that has had a profound impact on the nation's literary landscape. First published in 1855, Leaves of Grass is a collection of poems that celebrate the beauty and majesty of nature, the individuality and dignity of the human soul, and the inherent worth of every person.

  2. In Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman sings nature and his symbiosis with America, he sings the universe and his awareness of it all, but above all he sings the people and their quest for individuality and immortality. ‘The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as affectionately as he has absorbed it.’.

  3. 1F Leaves of grass「LOG」は、 グリーンをもっと身近に見て触れて感じて頂けるNew style design shopです。 最新のフラワーベースやプランター、ナチュラルグリーンとイミテーション、それぞれの良さを活かした個性的なアイテムを取り揃えています。

  4. 28 de jun. de 2005 · 内容简介 · · · · · ·. When Walt Whitman self-published his Leaves of Grass in July 1855, he altered the course of literary history. One of the greatest masterpieces of American literature, it redefined the rules of poetry while describing the soul of the American character. Throughout his great career, Whitman continuously revised ...

  5. Feuilles d'herbe (Leaves of Grass en anglais) est un recueil de poèmes de Walt Whitman.Le poème Song of Myself (Chanson de moi-même) en est le plus connu.Les autres poèmes n'en démontrent pas moins les talents poétiques de Whitman, comme I Sing the Body Electric (Je chante le corps électrique), Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking (Hors du berceau balancé sans fin) et O Captain!

  6. 塞繆爾·霍以爾 鋼雕 自加布里爾·哈里森已遺失的 銀版攝影 版本。. 《 草葉集 》(英語: Leaves of Grass )是 美國詩人 華特·惠特曼 於1855年出版的詩集。. 收錄《 自我之歌 (英语:Song_of_Myself) 》、《 我歌唱帶電的肉體 (英语:I_Sing_the_Body_Electric_ (poem ...

  7. Leaves of Grass (in der deutschen Übersetzung Grashalme, später auch Grasblätter) ist das Hauptwerk von Walt Whitman, einem der bedeutendsten US-amerikanischen Lyriker. Allgemein. Die erste Fassung dieses Zyklus bestand aus unbetitelten Gedichten und wurde von ...

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    hojas de hierba (Leaves of Grass 1855)