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  1. CORIOLANUS. I dare be sworn you were: And, sir, it is no little thing to make Mine eyes to sweat compassion. But, good sir, What peace you'll make, advise me: for my part, I'll not to Rome, I'll back with you; and pray you, Stand to me in this cause. O mother! wife!

  2. Coriolan ( anglais : Coriolanus) est une tragédie de William Shakespeare, créée en 1607 et publiée pour la première fois en 1623. Elle s'inspire de la vie de Coriolan, figure légendaire des débuts de la république romaine. Elle fait partie d'une série d’œuvres du dramaturge anglais dont le sujet est tiré de l'histoire romaine comme ...

  3. Coriolanus Full Book Summary. In ancient Rome, in the aftermath of a famine, the common people, or plebeians, demand the right to set their own price for the city's grain supply. In response to their protests, the ruling aristocracy, or patricians, grant the plebeians five representatives, or tribunes--a decision that provokes the ire of the ...

  4. Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus, legendary Roman hero of patrician descent who was said to have lived in the late 6th and early 5th centuries bc; the subject of Shakespeare’s play Coriolanus.According to tradition, he owed his surname to his bravery at the siege of Corioli (493 bc) in the war against the Volsci.In 491, when there was a famine in Rome, he advised that the people should not receive ...

  5. Coriolanus von James Caldwell und Gavin Hamilton. Coriolanus (engl.The Tragedy of Coriolanus) ist eine Tragödie von William Shakespeare.Das Stück spielt Anfang des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. in Rom und der nahegelegenen Hauptstadt der Volsker Antium und erzählt die Geschichte des römischen Patriziers und Kriegshelden Coriolanus, der sich gegen sein eigenes Volk wendet.

  6. Gnaeus (or Gaius) Marcius Coriolanus [1] was a Roman general who is said to have lived in the 5th century BC. He received his toponymic cognomen "Coriolanus" following his courageous actions during a Roman siege of the Volscian city of Corioli. He was subsequently exiled from Rome, and led troops of Rome's enemy the Volsci to besiege the city.

  7. Coriolanus historia, såsom den har berättats av de antika historikerna, är en moralistisk berättelse, som visar på dåliga individuella respektive kollektiva handlingar, däribland illojalitet och otacksamhet. De flesta moderna forskare dömer idag ut historien som en legend, troligen påhittad som förklaring till och rättfärdigande av ...

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