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  1. Our vision is that all girls are valued and take action to change the world. At our meetings we offer leadership development experiences to empower girls. Through various activities and spaces we prepare them to take the lead and be agents of change in their community.

  2. › es › vida-estudiantil-guias-scoutsGuías Scouts – Hiram Bingham

    El movimiento de “Guías Scouts” es una organización mundial cuya misión es ayudar a las niñas a desarrollar todo su potencial como ciudadanas responsables del mundo. La visión es que todas las niñas sean valoradas y tomen medidas para cambiar el mundo.

  3. Vacancies will be granted according to the following variables: Families linked to our school: children of former students, siblings of former students, children of school staff. Promoting a healthy balance in the number of boys and girls.

  4. Hiram Bingham, formally Hiram Bingham I (October 30, 1789 – November 11, ... In 1852 he remarried, to Naomi Morse, who ran a girls' school. He died on November 11, 1869, and was buried at Grove Street Cemetery, in New Haven, Connecticut. Leonard Bacon gave the address at his funeral. [1] Hawaiian Bible and hymns

  5. Biografía de Hiram Bingham: Resumen y datos relevantes. La tarde del 24 de julio de 1911 se tiñó de historia cuando Hiram Bingham, erudito de la historia sudamericana de la Universidad de Yale, fue conducido por un joven lugareño hacia la majestuosa ciudadela de Machu Picchu.

  6. Hiram Bingham. (Honolulú, 1875 - Washington, 1956) Arqueólogo estadounidense que descubrió las ruinas de las ciudades incas de Vitcos y de Machu-Picchu. Bingham tuvo una privilegiada educación.

  7. But I want to go back in my mind to the first day when I met Consul Hiram Bingham IV, who defied U.S. policy by helping Jews escape the Nazis in the early years of World War II.