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  1. Dreadnought is 5th (formerly 4th) Mode to be added into the game. It involves a larger version of the classic zeppelins you are familiar with, only with more bigger cannons. The Dreadnought gamemode plays out similarly to Classic, albeit with much larger Zeppelins.

  2. In order to use the full power of a Dreadnoughts Mega Cannons, a Captain must be able to drive his Zeppelin into a location where his gunners can successfully hit the key parts of the enemy Zeppelin, such as the Fuel Tanks or Ammo Boxes.

  3. Game: added 2 new game modes: Dreadnought and Battlefield. Battlefield mode looks like a...

  4. Maps of all zeppelins with multiple floors for easier navigation. All features of the Classic Zeppelin. (As of Update 0.72A) Map the the Raid Zeppelin with modifications and up to date as of Update 0.72A Map of the Dreadnought Zeppelin prior to it's removal. (As of Update 0.69Z) Map the Light...

  5. 6 de jun. de 2022 · The sequel to the famous "Insanely fast dreadnaught round in Zeppelin Wars"Insanely fast dreadnaught round in Zeppelin Warshttps: ...

  6. The Classic Zeppelin, also known as simply the Zeppelin, is the original flying vessel of the Patrol and the Pirates. It is a heavily armed airship with 14 Cannons, 6 AA Guns, and even its own hangar and runway for deploying Planes.

  7. Version: Alpha 0.74 Inspired by myrkrwarrior's classic "Zeppelin Battle" from 2008, Zeppelin Wars seeks to recreate a game where you can battle it out in the skies. Victory or certain death? Patrol or Pirate?