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  1. The Idiot Box is a cosmetic item for the Soldier. It is a crude robot mask made from a cardboard box with team-colored plastic cups taped on for eyes, and a coat hanger stuck to the top. The Soldier looks out of the hole cut for the mouth.

  2. La Caja Tonta (Idiot Box, en inglés) es un objeto cosmético para el Soldier. Es una tosca máscara de robot hecha con una caja de cartón, tazas de plástico de color del equipo como ojos y una percha fijada en la parte superior.

  3. The Idiot Box. Bumped 2 minutes ago by 🌌Space Bot🌌 24/7! ⚡. Greetings, explorer! I'm offering this Idiot Box for just 1 key 8.44 ref! I can also accept some item offers! Send me a trade offer for the finest items in the galaxy! 1.11 keys.

  4. The Idiot Box. Haunted Non-Craftable Unique. Items by quality Unique: 105,836 Haunted: 13,267. Items by origin Gifted: 63,210 Halloween Drop: 24,854 Trade-Up: 13,325 Contract Completion Reward: 9,918 Purchased: 7,593 Steam Purchase: 114 Traded: 87 Support Granted: 2. State Distribution for The Idiot Box.

  5. 30 de nov. de 2012 · Hit the like button if you enjoyed this video :)Make a donation (if you want to support my channel) on own TF2 server IP - 31...

  6. Buy Idiot Box, a Team Fortress 2 item on

  7. Idiot Box is a TF2 cosmetic/misc/halloween for Soldier.