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  1. Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code. Since 2001, Processing has promoted software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology…

  2. Create with code, everywhere. Processing is open source and is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. Projects created with Processing are also cross-platform, and can be used on macOS, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi, and many other Linux platforms. Download Processing4.3for. Need another version?

  3. Welcome to Processing! Start by visiting and selecting the Mac, Windows, or Linux version, depending on what machine you have. Installation on each machine is straightforward: On Windows, you'll have a .zip file.

  4. These video tutorials cover issues of programming and computational design issues in Processing. Text Tutorials A collection of step-by-step lessons covering beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics.

  5. Examples Short, prototypical programs exploring the basics of programming with Processing.

  6. 14 de sept. de 2022 · Initially created to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach programming fundamentals within a visual context, Processing has also evolved into a development tool for professionals. The Processing software has always been free and open source and has always run on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

  7. Processing es un dialecto de Java que fue diseñado para el desarrollo del arte gráfico, para las animaciones y aplicaciones gráficas de todo tipo. Desarrollado por artistas y para artistas. Es un software basado en Java y por lo tanto, multiplataforma.

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