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  1. Madeline Miller (Boston, 24 de julio de 1978), es una novelista y profesora estadounidense.

  2. Madeline Miller es una novelista estadounidense licenciada en Filología Clásica por la Universidad de Brown y en Dramaturgia por la Escuela de Arte Dramático de Yale. Además de a la escritura se dedica a impartir clases de Latín, Griego y la obra de Shakespeare a estudiantes de bachillerato.

  3. Madeline Miller (born July 24, 1978) is an American novelist, author of The Song of Achilles (2011) and Circe (2018). Miller spent ten years writing The Song of Achilles while she worked as a teacher of Latin and Greek.

  4. Madeline Miller is a novelist who adapts classical tales to a modern audience. Her books include Circe, inspired by Homer's Odyssey, and The Song of Achilles, a retelling of the Iliad.

  5. Read a profile of Madeline in The New York Times. Watch an interview with Madeline on PBS. Read a Q & A with Madeline in The Guardian. Listen to an interview with Madeline on The Ezra Klein Show. Interested in hearing Madeline in person? Visit the Events page.

  6. Circe is the second novel by Madeline Miller, the author of The Song of Achilles, which won the Orange Prize for Fiction. It tells the story of Circe, a witch and a goddess, who defies the gods and the patriarchy in a world of myth and magic.

  7. Madeline Miller was born in Boston and grew up in New York City and Philadelphia. She attended Brown University, where she earned her BA and MA in Classics. For the last ten years she has been teaching and tutoring Latin, Greek and Shakespeare to high school students.

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