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  1. La noche es una pintura al óleo sobre lienzo del artista alemán Max Beckmann, creada entre 1918 y 1919. Es un icono del movimiento posterior a la Primera Guerra Mundial Neue Sachlichkeit, o Nueva Objetividad y la obra más destacada de la primera época más expresionista del pintor. Se exhibe en Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf.

  2. The Night,” an oil on canvas painting by Max Beckmann completed in 1918, is a seminal artwork of the Expressionist movement. Measuring 52 3/8 by 60 1/4 inches, it falls within the genre painting category, depicting scenes of everyday life. The artwork is currently housed at the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf, Germany.

  3. 13 de ene. de 2012 · Added: 27 Mar, 2024. ‘Night’ was created in 1918 by Max Beckmann in Expressionism style. Find more prominent pieces of genre painting at – best visual art database.

  4. The Night is an oil-on-canvas painting by German artist Max Beckmann, created between 1918 and 1919. It is an icon of the post-World War I movement Neue Sachlichkeit, or New Objectivity. It is located at the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf.

  5. 19 de ago. de 2013 · Así, en su cuadro La noche * (pintado entre 1918-1919) se refleja la violencia que existió en las sociedades de posguerra, en este caso en la República de Weimar que nada más acabar la guerra vivió el levantamiento espartaquista y la sangrienta actuación de lo Freikorps. La pintura muestra una escena terrible.

  6. In Night from the portfolio Hell he portrays the violence and decadence surrounding the Berlin riots of November 1918 and the founding of the Weimar Republic. With Mannerist distortion and foreshortened perspective he depicts the horrific scene in a stagelike setting, implicating the viewer as the audience of this ugly spectacle.

  7. 9 de jun. de 2007 · In The Night (1918-19), Beckmann depicts the disturbing torture of a family. While it can be taken as referring to the contemporary situation, and the violent civil strife that followed the end of the war in Germany, it also expresses a universal sense of man's inhumanity to man. Fuente: