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  1. El condicional segundo ( second conditional, en inglés) también conocido como condicional irreal ( unreal conditional, en inglés) o if-clause de tipo II, expresa escenarios o acciones imaginarias o hipotéticas y su resultado. Imagina un presente distinto a la realidad. Ejemplo: If I had a million pounds, I would buy a beautiful house on the ...

  2. The Second Conditional. Perfect English Grammar. The second conditional uses the past simple after if, then 'would' and the infinitive: if + past simple, ...would + infinitive. (We can use 'were' instead of 'was' with 'I' and 'he/she/it'. This is mostly done in formal writing). It has two uses.

  3. Podemos utilizar el second conditional, con la expresión If I were you, para dar consejos. Por ejemplo, If I were you, I would accept this job (Si yo fuese tú, aceptaría este empleo).

  4. 19 de jul. de 2016 · Por ejemplo: If I were / was you, I would obey your parents. Ver además: Oraciones con “ was ” y “ were ” Usos del second conditional. El second conditional (tipo 2) sirve para expresar situaciones hipotéticas e imaginarias que son: Muy improbables. Por ejemplo: If I found a bag with $500,000, I would give it back.

  5. Como todos los condicionales, el segundo condicional consta de dos frases o proposiciones: la que lleva el “ if ” y la proposición principal. La estructura es la siguiente: Excepciones y variantes.

  6. El second conditional tiene la siguiente estructura: If + sujeto + past simple, sujeto + would + verbo en infinitive (without to) Aunque con los pronombres personales I, he, she, e it se utiliza la forma was como pasado del verbo TO BE , en la forma condicional, se utiliza la forma were .

  7. If I were you vs. If I was you. When we use the verb be in second conditional if-clauses, we can use were instead of was with the I, he, she and it forms of the verb. There is no change in meaning, although were is sometimes considered more formal than was. Examples: If it were possible, I would stay in five-star hotels for the whole trip.