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    fireflies ai
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  1. helps your team transcribe, summarize, search, and analyze voice conversations. Get started for free. Request demo. USED ACROSS 300,000+ ORGANIZATIONS. Get automatic meeting notes, action items, & transcripts. Transcribe & Summarize meetings across Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, & more.

  2. Utiliza la IA generativa e indicaciones de texto sencillas para dar vida a tus ideas. Ahora, con el nuevo modelo Firefly Image 3, podrás crear imágenes de mayor calidad con mejor composición, detalles fotorrealistas y mejor ambiente e iluminación. Obtener Firefly gratis.

  3. Haz transformaciones impresionantes en cuestión de segundos gracias a las nuevas funciones que incluyen la tecnología de la IA generativa de Firefly. Con tan solo unas palabras, podrás crear nuevos gráficos, utilizar infinitas combinaciones de colores, rellenar o ampliar imágenes y generar asombrosos efectos de texto.

  4. AI assistant for your meetings. Record, transcribe, and search across your voice conversations. Sign up - it’s free! See demo. Automatic. meeting notes. Record. Instantly record meetings across any web-conferencing platform. It's easy to invite Fireflies to your meetings to record and share conversations. Transcribe.

  5. Make amazing transformations in a snap with new features powered by {{firefly}} {{generative-ai}}. In just a few words, create new graphics, unlock endless color combinations, fill in or expand images, and produce dazzling text effects.

  6. Fireflies unlocks a goldmine of information buried inside conversations & meetings. This is the knowledge & insights you won't find in documents, spreadsheets, or emails. Get started for free. Capture the valuable data from every call.

  7. Fireflies lets you instantly capture & transcribe meetings, calls, and various types of audio conversations. You can easily search, share, and integrate the convos to the places where you already work.