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  1. 1 de ene. de 2012 · The difference though, is that a digital selfie is a much more instant way of creating a self-portrait, its reach is far bigger than it ever was, and there's more of a...

  2. This volume explores the selfie not only as a specific photographic practice that is deeply rooted in digital culture, but also how it is understood in relation to other media of self-portrayal.

  3. El presente trabajo se propone problematizar el estatuto de la fotografía selfi en el entramado de narrativas propias de las redes sociales virtuales.

  4. 6 de abr. de 2018 · We find evidence that young people's digital practices—particularly posting selfies and following bloggers—trigger consumer detriment and overconsumption. Also, unexpectedly, we find that advanced digital capabilities do not moderate consumer detriment and overconsumption.

  5. 6 de jun. de 2023 · From smiles that don’t quite meet the eyes, to misleading angles, or the overuse of editing/filters, the digital-forensic gaze lays bare well-worn tensions between photography and authenticity in an age inundated with apps and filters to alter selfie appearances.

  6. 7 de abr. de 2018 · The general adoption of the term “selfie” has been instrumental in the popularization of digital self-images—as a photographic practice taken up by a majority of mobile phone users and as a topic of discourses about photography and online media.

  7. 11 de dic. de 2017 · The camera lens often faces inwards for young adults: tagged ‘Selfies’ and images co-constructed with social network members commonly contribute to their digital identities. In contrast, retirees turn the camera’s lens outwards towards the world, not inwards to themselves.