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  1. Snatched can mean taken or done quickly when there is an opportunity, or attractive, especially as a result of doing something to improve appearance. Learn more about the adjective snatched and see examples of its usage in different contexts.

  2. slang. (of a person) very attractive, especially as a result of doing something to improve their appearance, for example, putting on make-up or exercising: I'd just got a spray tan and was looking snatched. Everyone was saying that my make-up looked good and my face was snatched.

  3. arrancar ⇒, arrebatar ⇒ vtr. robar ⇒ vtr. The seagull swooped down and snatched the sandwich from Lisa's hand. La gaviota bajó en picado y le arrebató el bocadillo a Lisa de la mano. snatch n. (act of snatching) tirón nm.

  4. verb [ transitive ] / snætʃ/ to take sth out of sbs hand too quickly. arrebatar. He snatched the bag right out of her hands. Él le arrebató la bolsa de las manos. (Traducción de snatch del Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd) C2. Traducciones de snatch. en chino (tradicional) 快速拿, 奪走,搶走, 綁架… Ver más. en chino (simplificado)

  5. 1. (asir; frecuentemente usado con "up") a. arrebatar. Rachel stood agape as a seagull swooped down and snatched up her sandwich. Rachel quedó boquiabierta cuando una gaviota voló en picada y le arrebató el sánduche. b. arrancar. Michael Jordan snatched the ball right from Shaq's hands.Michael Jordan le arrancó el balón de las manos a Shaq.

  6. traducción snatched del Inglés al Español, diccionario Inglés - Español, ver también 'snatch, snatchy, snatch squad, snatch up', ejemplos, conjugación.

  7. 1. (to grab; often used with "up") a. arrebatar. Rachel stood agape as a seagull swooped down and snatched up her sandwich. Rachel quedó boquiabierta cuando una gaviota voló en picada y le arrebató el sánduche. b. arrancar. Michael Jordan snatched the ball right from Shaq's hands.Michael Jordan le arrancó el balón de las manos a Shaq. c. agarrar.