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  1. › wiki › SilkieSilkie - Wikipedia

    The Silkie (also known as the Silky or Chinese silk chicken) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens have only four.

  2. En la mitología celta y nórdica, las selkies (también deletreados silkies, sylkies o selchies) o selkie folk (en escocés: selkie fowk ), que significa «gente de las focas», son seres mitológicos con el poder del teriomorfismo, cambiando de forma de foca a humano al mudar su piel.

  3. La gallina sedosa, también conocida como sedosa de Japón o sedosa de China, es una raza de pollo llamada así por su plumaje atípicamente mullido, que se dice que se siente como seda y satén.

  4. Silkie is one of the several thousand mutant caterpillars created by Killer Moth who later became the Teen Titans' official pet/mascot. Silkie was created as Larva M3-19 by Killer Moth for use in an army of giant mutant moths to overthrow and dominate Jump City.

  5. Una selkie (también escrito silkie, sylkie, selchie; irlandés: chéile séala; escocés: selkie fowk) son criaturas mitológicas encontradas en el folclor irlandés, escocés y feroés. En las tradiciones islandesas se describen criaturas similares.

  6. Selkies (also spelled silkies, sylkies, selchies) or Selky folk (Scots: selkie fowk) which means "Seal Folk" are mythological beings who are capable of doing therianthropy, i.e. changing from a seal to human form by shedding their skin.