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  1. › year-1933Pablo Picasso — 1933

    1933. In May 1933, Picasso starts working with the publisher Georges Macy on illustrations to the modern edition of Lysistrata play by Aristophanes (411 BC). The book is published in 1934. In June, he makes a collage for the cover of Minotaur magazine by Swiss publisher Albert Skira.

  2. El primer número del Minotauro, con una portada de Picasso, apareció en mayo de 1933. Pasó las vacaciones de verano 1933 en Cannes con Olga y Pablo. En septiembre, pintó en Boisgeloup La muerte de un torero.

  3. June 24, 1933. Pablo Picasso. Spanish, 1881-1973. This violent drawing captures a half-man, half-bull Minotaur raping a woman. The figure of the Minotaur dates back to Greek mythology: it inhabited a labyrinth, devoured innocent people, and was ultimately slain by the hero Theseus.

  4. 12 de feb. de 2022 · ‘Minotaur is wounded’ was created in 1933 by Pablo Picasso in Expressionism style. Find more prominent pieces of mythological painting at – best visual art database.

  5. 9 de may. de 2023 · Cabeza con casco (1933) es una escultura de Pablo Picasso que encierra una riqueza simbólica y de técnica sorprendente. Esta obra tiene su origen en un proyecto de ilustración para una traducción de la comedia griega Lisístrata , en la que Picasso se inspiró para crear una serie de dibujos que representan a la heroína y a los ...

  6. Pablo Picasso Head of a Warrior Boisgeloup, 1933. On view. MoMA, Floor 5, 516. Sometime during the year, Picasso created the plaster Head of a Warrior (pl. 68), a sculpture that conveys the infinite variety of materials and creative processes he used in making his sculptures.

  7. The mythical Minotaur—part man, part bull—was Picasso's alter ego in the 1930s and part of a broader exploration of Classicism that persisted in his work for many years. The Minotaur was also emblematic for Surrealists, who saw it as the personification of forbidden desires.