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  1. Play the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game (also called Noughts and Crosses) for free online with one or two players.

  2. Tic Tac Toe rules. Two players play against each other using a 3×3 board. One player uses noughts, and the opposing player uses crosses. The first player to align 3 of their identical symbols (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) wins the game.

  3. Play the best online Tic-Tac-Toe Game at 4 difficulties to choose from. Pull up a chair at the game table and join the fun!

  4. Play Tic-Tac-Toe against another player or the computer. Different board sizes and computer strength!

  5. Can you beat the computer in the game Noughts and Crosses. It is an online version of the classic tic-tac-toe game. The rules are simple. Look at the virtual board and find out how many rounds you can win. The main goal is to collect three noughts in a row.

  6. Play the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game (also called Noughts and Crosses or XO game) for free online with one or two players. Four difficulties to choose from.

  7. "Noughts and Crosses", also called "Tic-tac-toe" or "Hugs and Kisses", is a game for two players, "O" and "X", who take turns marking the spaces in a 3 x 3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three marks in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins. You play first with the "X"'s and your adversary plays with the "O"'s. Sample game: