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  1. 23 de nov. de 2019 · HISTORY & CULTURE. Very rare lion mummies discovered in Egypt. Until today, only one lion mummy had been found by Egyptologists. Were mummified lions rare by nature, or have we simply just...

  2. 26 de nov. de 2019 · Egyptologists discover two lion cubs and 30 sealed coffins with mummies in Saqqara and Luxor. The finds reveal new insights into ancient Egyptian culture and religion, but access to research is restricted.

  3. 25 de nov. de 2019 · Cinco momias de león, posiblemente cachorros, se descubrieron en la necrópolis de Bubasteion en Saqqara. Los leones eran símbolos de autoridad y protección en el antiguo Egipto, pero su momificación era rara.

  4. 25 de nov. de 2019 · Archaeologists discovered five mummified cats, including two lion cubs, in a 26th dynasty necropolis in Saqqara. The lion cubs are the first complete mummies of their kind found in Egypt and reveal the sacred status of the animal in ancient times.

  5. 28 de ene. de 2004 · Archaeologists discovered a mummified lion in the tomb of Maa, a wet nurse to King Tutankhamen, dating to 1430 B.C. The lion's presence confirms that lions were sacred animals in ancient Egypt, according to inscriptions and beliefs.

  6. 23 de nov. de 2019 · Two mummified lions, dating back about 2,600 years, have been discovered in a tomb full of cat statues and cat mummies in Saqqara, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced today (Nov. 23)...

  7. 8 de sept. de 2014 · Lions were once abundant in ancient Egypt, but became rare and extinct over time due to climate change and human activities. Learn how scientists used art, texts and fossils to map out the rise and fall of Egypt's large mammals and their ecosystem.