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  1. I wish/If only I hadn't gone out in the rain without… 1 Joe has got very bad sunburn - yesterday he stayed in the sun for long. 2 He's got an awful stomachache - yesterday he ate a lot.

  2. Wish: worksheets, printable exercises pdf, handouts to print. Uses of wish in English - expressing wishes.

  3. UNIT 2 GRAMMAR I wish/If only... WISH/IF ONLY+ Sujeto+ PAST SIMPLE*. el verbo be debe ser were en todas las personas, aunque cada vez más esta forma es remplazada por was en el lenguaje coloquial. deseo de que algo sea distinto a como es en el presente.

  4. A selection of English ESL conditionals - i wish / if only printables.

  5. There are three distinct types of I wish / if only sentences: 1 Regrets with the PAST PERFECT (the third conditional) I wish I hadn't got so angry. 2 Wanting change for the present or future with the PAST SIMPLE I wish I had enough money to go to Mozambique this summer.

  6. i wish/if only + pasado perfecto simple Se utiliza cuando queremos hablar sobre situaciones del pasado con las que no somos felices, o acciones de las que estamos arrepentidos.

  7. I wish [that] / If only it were / was easier! Si el sujeto de wish y el de la forma base son diferentes, se usa would. Si el sujeto es I o we, se usa could.