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  1. Háskóli Íslands er fjölbreytt nám sem býður upp á fræðilega nálgun og rannsóknatengt nám með góð tengsl við atvinnulíf og nýsköpun. Hér getur þú fundið nám, kennsluskrá, spurt og svarað, stundatöflur, próftöflur, fréttir og vísindagar.

    • Háskólinn

      Háskóli Íslands býður upp á fjölbreytt nám á grunn og...

    • Umsókn um nám

      Umsókn um nám. Hér finnur þú allar helstu upplýsingar sem...

  2. The University of Iceland is part of the Aurora network, which aims to strengthen education, research and innovation in the North. Learn more about the Aurora portal, exchange studies, course catalogue and other opportunities on the university website.

  3. History. The University of Iceland was founded by the Alþingi on 17 June 1911, uniting three former post-secondary institutions: Prestaskólinn, Læknaskólinn and Lagaskólinn, which taught theology, medicine and law, respectively. The university originally had only faculties for these three fields, in addition to a faculty of humanities.

  4. Háskóli Íslands (HÍ) er íslenskur ríkisháskóli sem var stofnaður árið 1911. Háskóli Íslands er opinber alhliða rannsóknarháskóli sem býður upp á um 400 námsleiðir í grunn- og framhaldsnámi í yfir 160 námsgreinum í um 25 deildum. Langflest námskeið eru kennd á íslensku, en lítill hluti er kenndur á ensku ...

  5. The University of Iceland collaborates with over 400 partner universities all around the world. Every year we welcome more than 2,000 international students. If your home university is a partner school of the University of Iceland, you may be eligible for our exchange programme allowing you to study at the University of Iceland for up to two ...

  6. Among the varied programmes offered at the University of Iceland the following are the ones particularly suited for international students: Undergraduate studies A-Z. It takes three (180 ECTS) or four years (240 ECTS) of full-time study to complete undergraduate programmes. Degree programmes can have one Major (180 or 240 ECTS), two Majors (120 ...