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  1. La prueba t de Student, también llamada Test-T o simplemente prueba t, es una prueba estadística en la que el estadístico de la prueba sigue una distribución t de Student. Por lo tanto, en estadística, la prueba t de Student se usa para rechazar o aceptar la hipótesis nula de una prueba de hipótesis.

  2. En estadística, una prueba t de Student o Test-T es cualquier prueba en la que el estadístico utilizado tiene una distribución t de Student si la hipótesis nula es cierta.

  3. 31 de ene. de 2020 · A t test is a statistical test that is used to compare the means of two groups. It is often used in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect on the population of interest, or whether two groups are different from one another.

  4. Student's t-test is a statistical test used to test whether the difference between the response of two groups is statistically significant or not. It is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student's t -distribution under the null hypothesis.

  5. A t test is a statistical hypothesis test that assesses sample means to draw conclusions about population means. Frequently, analysts use a t test to determine whether the population means for two groups are different. For example, it can determine whether the difference between the treatment and control group means is statistically significant.

  6. 5 de ago. de 2022 · Aug 5, 2022. 6. Photo by Andrew George on Unsplash. Student’s t-tests are commonly used in inferential statistics for testing a hypothesis on the basis of a difference between sample means. However, people often misinterpret the results of t-tests, which leads to false research findings and a lack of reproducibility of studies.

  7. Una prueba t puede usarse para determinar si un único grupo difiere de un valor conocido (una prueba t de una muestra), si dos grupos difieren entre sí (prueba t de muestras independientes), o si hay una diferencia significativa en medidas pareadas (una prueba t de muestras dependientes o pareada). ¿Cómo se usan las pruebas t?