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  1. 6 de abr. de 2020 · Pato en una Roca (“Duck on a Rock”) 6 de abril de 2020 por coachcedricweb. El Juego del Pato en la roca es un juego infantil canadiense en el que se inspiró James Naismith para crear el juego inicial del Baloncesto (que regularía con Las 13 originales del Baloncesto ). El juego se podía jugar en cualquier lugar.

  2. Duck on a Rock is a game that combined tag with throwing . It is played by placing a somewhat large stone (known as a "duck") upon a larger stone or a tree stump. One player stays near the stone to guard it. The other players throw stones at the duck in an attempt to knock it off of the platform.

  3. Duck on a rock is a medieval children’s game that combines tag and marksmanship (via throwing accuracy). James Naismith used the game as an inspiration when he developed the rules of modern basketball.

  4. 24 de mar. de 2017 · Es en ese momento que Naismith recuerda un juego de la infancia, “Duck on a rock” (Pato en la roca) y decide inspirarse en el gesto principal del juego para crear las 13 reglas originales del Baloncesto:

  5. 26 de oct. de 2016 · Did you know that the game of basketball is based on a childhood game called Duck on a Rock? The original rock used by Dr. James Naismith and his friends now resides at the Naismith Museum at the Mill of Kintail. Learn more about Naismith’s original rules for the game of basketball and how they came to be developed.

  6. Duck on a Rock Rules. Description. This document, created by the Naismith Museum within the Mill of Kintail Conservation area, explains how to play “Duck on a Rock,” a game James A. Naismith learned at Bennies Corner School.

  7. pista cubierta como en descubierta, en el que dos conjuntos de 5 jugadores... Este juego fue inventado por James Naismith, un profesor canadiense de educación física, en diciembre de 1891 en la YMCA de Springfield, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos.