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  1. Chromas opens and edits chromatogram files from various sequencers and formats, and allows export, printing, searching and translation of sequences. It also supports batch processing, peak enhancement and ChromasPro for assembly of multiple reads.

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  3. Chromas and ChromasPro are free and easy-to-use tools for viewing, editing, and assembling chromatograms from Sanger sequencers. They support various formats, including .ab1 files enhanced by PeakTrace RP, and offer sequence analysis features.

  4. 28 de mar. de 2024 · Chromas is a free software that allows you to open and analyze chromatogram files from various DNA sequencers. It is ideal for basic sequencing projects that do not require assembly of multiple sequences.

  5. Descarga Chrome, el navegador de Google, rápido, seguro y personalizable. Soluciona problemas de instalación, apertura y rendimiento con la ayuda de Google.

  6. ChromasPro is a tool for DNA sequence assembly projects up to a few megabases, and basic sequence editing and analysis. It supports various formats, quality filtering, reference scaffolding, ORF mapping, restriction mapping, BLAST, ClustalW, and more.

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