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  1. 14 de dic. de 2017 · Todas las llamas fueron positivas a alguna forma parasitaria, predominando cargas leves. La mayor carga parasitaria fue Eimeria sp. con 16800 opg en 1 animal, sin embargo, éste no manifestó...

  2. Sarcoptic mange in camelids usually requires biopsy for confirmation, then treatment with antiparasitics. Some animals do not respond to any therapy, including those affected with juvenile llama immune deficiency syndrome, a congenital condition affecting both llamas and alpacas.

  3. IDENTIFICACIÓN Y CUANTIFICACIÓN DE PARÁSITOS EN LLAMAS ... Parasites. In: Fowler, M. (ed). Medicine and Surgery of Camelids. 3rd ed. Willey-Blackwell, Iowa, USA, Pp 231–269

  4. At necropsy, lesions and parasites are most often found in the ileum and distal jejunum. Animals may also develop hepatic lipidosis, sepsis, and third stomach compartment (C3) ulcers as sequellae. Other Eimeria species can affect camelids, and oocysts may be identified on routine fecal flotations of otherwise healthy animals.

  5. 19 de may. de 2009 · Neonatal Diseases in Llamas and Alpacas. This article attempts to cover the most common problems likely to present in neonatal crias and to give guidance on how to approach these cases, particularly how to stabilize the acute presentation of a sick neonate.

  6. PMID: 2647235. DOI: 10.1016/s0749-0720 (15)31011-2. Abstract. Llamas in North America are infected with a number of helminth parasites, including: gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms, meningeal worms, tapeworms, and flukes. Most of these helminths can be treated with the anthelmintic currently used to treat cattle and sheep.

  7. Las principales infecciones parasitarias que limitan su productividad son la gastroenteritis verminosa y la fasciolosis (FAO, 2005). Las pérdidas se expresan en un 40% menos de incremento de peso en tuis y de 30% en la producción de fibra (Leguía, 1999).