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  1. Su última exposición en la Galería de Arte Plaza incluye esculturas hechas completamente de papel desechado, incluyendo una pieza llamada "Harmony" compuesta de cajetillas de cigarrillos y otra titulada "Love in the Morning" formada por cajas de cereales y periódico viejo.

  2. Harry Morgan es un artista y diseñador emergente de Edimburgo. Morgan está interesado en el comportamiento y las "personalidades" intrínsecas de los materiales. Su trabajo actual explora la relación conflictiva entre hormigón y cristal.

  3. FUNDACIÓN LOEWE The Room - Artistas. Harry Morgan. Morgan reside en Edimburgo y es conocido por su afán por combinar materiales inusuales y emplear procesos ancestrales de forma experimental.

  4. Harry Morgan (born 1990) is an emerging artist based in Manchester. Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 2014, Morgan has exhibited widely throughout the UK and internationally. As a finalist of the 2019 Loewe Craft Prize, his work was exhibited at Isamu Noguchi ́s indoor garden ́Heaven ́ in Tokyo, where the jury awarded him ...

  5. El mundo antiguo y la Alta Edad Media Hoy, la Sala Norte sirve como una galería dedicada a las primeras obras de arte de la colección de Morgan: antiguos sellos y tabletas del Cercano Oriente; Escultura egipcia, griega y romana; y joyas de los primeros objetos medievales de la Colección Thaw.

  6. Harry Morgan (born 1990) is an emerging artist based in Manchester, UK. Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 2014, Morgan has exhibited widely throughout the UK and internationally. As a finalist of the 2019 Loewe Craft Prize, his work was exhibited at Isamu Noguchi‘s indoor garden ‘Heaven’ in Tokyo, where the jury awarded ...

  7. 8 de ene. de 2018 · He has made sculptures which are built from wastepaper only. One of these, which is called “Harmony”, is made of empty cigarette packs and matchboxes. Another work, called “Love in the Morning”, has been made out of breakfast cereal boxes and pieces of old newspaper.