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  1. Extreme adjectives or non-gradable adjectives are words that mean “extremely + adjective” – for example, “freezing” means “extremely cold.” The weather can’t be “a little bit freezing” or “very freezing” – because the word “freezing” itself automatically means “extremely cold.”

  2. 30 de may. de 2012 · Los adjetivos fuertes o extremos son un tipo de adjetivo que extreman la cualidad de una persona o un objeto. Por ejemplo, podemos decir que tenemos mucha hambre ( very hungry) o que estamos hambrientos (starving), que hace mucho frío ( very cold) o que estamos helados (freezed), que esa casa es muy grande ( very big) o que es ...

  3. 29 de mar. de 2017 · We can use these adjectives with some adverbs ( like a bit, very, really, extremely , quite, etc.) to show the degrees of the quality. Example; For “Difficult”, we can say a little bit difficult, rather difficult, very difficult, or extremely difficult

  4. Non-gradable: extreme adjectives. Adjectives like amazing, awful and boiling are also non-gradable. They already contain the idea of 'very' in their definitions. If we want to make extreme adjectives stronger, we have to use absolutely or really: Did you see the final match?

  5. Non-gradable adjectives (strong/extreme adjectives) already express something very special, so we do not usually use the following adverbs with them: a bit, deeply, extremely, fairly, rather, slightly, terribly, very.

  6. 17 de ago. de 2016 · Scared, frightened, afraid and terrified are probably the most common adjectives to describe feeling fear, but if you want to broaden your vocabulary, there are many other useful alternatives. Petrified is a very strong word, and also has the corresponding word petrifying :

  7. In this lesson filler, students learn how to be more descriptive using extreme adjectives, e.g. brilliant, terrible, dreadful, exhausted, huge, tiny, filthy, starving, etc. The worksheet includes gap-fill and speaking exercises to get the students practising the adjectives.