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  1. 6 de abr. de 2018 · We find evidence that young people's digital practicesparticularly posting selfies and following bloggers—trigger consumer detriment and overconsumption. Also, unexpectedly, we find that advanced digital capabilities do not moderate consumer detriment and overconsumption.

  2. 7 de abr. de 2018 · The general adoption of the term “selfie” has been instrumental in the popularization of digital self-imagesas a photographic practice taken up by a majority of mobile phone users and as a topic of discourses about photography and online media.

  3. 1 de ene. de 2012 · The difference though, is that a digital selfie is a much more instant way of creating a self-portrait, its reach is far bigger than it ever was, and there's more of a...

  4. Overview. Editors: Julia Eckel, Jens Ruchatz, Sabine Wirth. The first comprehensive volume on the current and publicly debated topic of selfies. Offers approaches from a broader field of disciplines. Provides a theoretical as well as a media-historical basis for investigating the selfie as an image practice. 24k Accesses. 53 Citations. 7 Altmetric.

  5. 1 de sept. de 2018 · A diferencia de la fotografía analógica, que se producía en la toma y el revelado que habitualmente realizaban otros, la fotografía digital ofrece la potestad al usuario de tomar el control sobre su propia imagen.

  6. La “selfie” -palabra anglosajona, deriva del término self, que podría traducirse en español como “sí mismo”- es una fotografía tomada por uno mismo, regularmente con un celular o cámara web. Éste término se propagó durante la entrega de los premios Oscar en 2014, cuando Ellen Degeneres se tomó una fotografía con varios famosos y la publicó en Tw...

  7. Understanding that a particular image is a selfie (rather than just a photograph of, say, a face) requires viewers to make inferences about the nondepictive technocultural conditions in which the image was made (Frosh, 2001).