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  1. › wiki › MomusMomus - Wikipedia

    Momus (/ ˈ m oʊ m ə s /; Ancient Greek: Μῶμος Momos) in Greek mythology was the personification of satire and mockery, two stories about whom figure among Aesop's Fables. During the Renaissance, several literary works used him as a mouthpiece for their criticism of tyranny, while others later made him a critic of ...

  2. Momo (en griego antiguo Μωμος Mômos, ‘burla’, ‘culpa’; en latín momus) era, en la mitología griega, la personificación del sarcasmo, las burlas y la agudeza irónica. Era el dios de los escritores y poetas, un espíritu de inculpación malintencionada y crítica injusta.

  3. Momus was the ancient Greek god or personified spirit (daimon) of mockery, blame, ridicule, scorn, complaint and harsh criticism. He was expelled by Zeus from heaven for ridiculing the gods. Momus' opposite number was Eupheme (Praise).

  4. › Other_Gods › MomusMomus - Greek Mythology

    Momus was the god of satire, mockery, and poets in Greek mythology; as well as a spirit of evil-spirited blame and unfair criticism. His name meaned 'blame' or 'censure' and he was depicted as lifting a mask from his face. He was the son of the Titan goddess Nyx (night).

  5. Momus es el dios de la sátira en la mitología griega. Su nombre significa «burla» o «escarnio». Era el hijo de Nyx (la Noche) y Erebus (el Oscuro). Según Hesíodo, era el hermano de las Moiras (las Parcas), las Erinias (las Furias) y los Keres (las Destructoras).

  6. Momus, the Greek God of Satire and Criticism. Momus is the Greek god that represents satire and mockery, using humor to criticize. The other gods eventually expelled him from Mount Olympus because of how harsh he criticized others, and some think he even helped start the Trojan War.

  7. Momo, en la mitología griega, es una figura divina que personifica el sarcasmo y la burla. Su origen se remonta a los poemas de Homero y Hesíodo, donde se le describe como una diosa del sarcasmo y la mofa. Momo es conocida por su agudo ingenio y su capacidad para encontrar defectos en cualquier cosa.