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  1. Best cuisines in the world according to the average audience ratings for dishes, food products, and drinks from each country.

  2. 13 de dic. de 2023 · Based on the average user ratings for dishes, a list of the top 100 dishes in the world has been published. The best-rated dish for 2023 is the Brazilian meat cut Picanha, followed by Malaysian bread Roti Canai and Thai stir fry Phat Kaphrao. You can view the entire list here:

  3. 22 de ago. de 2021 · Based on over 40,000 votes, reveals the top ten countries with the best food scenes according to the masses. From Hungary's paprika-laden goulash to Hong Kong's roasted goose, discover the iconic dishes to try from each destination.

  4. 2 de may. de 2023 · When it comes to world cuisine, what are the countries with the best food? Italy and spaghetti? Hong Kong’s dim sum? Or French escargots?

  5. 13 de abr. de 2021 · The world is full of good food. But what are the 50 best dishes – those so delicious you should factor them into your travel plans?

  6. 3 de ago. de 2011 · CNN ranked the best tasting food in the world based on various criteria, such as flavor, texture, and cultural significance. See if you agree with their choices, from massaman curry to buttered popcorn, and learn more about each dish.