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  1. 13 de mar. de 2024 · A ureterocele appears as a cystic structure projecting into the bladder, often near the normal location of the vesicoureteric junction (VUJ). This is ectopic in the majority of cases and therefore not at the expected location of the ureteric orifice. The associated ureter is usually noticeably dilated. Fluoroscopy IVP. Detectable ...

  2. Ureterocele is abnormal dilatation of the distal portion of the ureter that may herniate into the bladder secondary to the abnormal structure of vesicoureteric junction (VUJ). 1 article features images from this case.

  3. Presentation. Recurrent urinary tract infections and increased urinary frequency. Patient Data. Age: 40 years. Gender: Female. KUB Plain and IVPs. x-ray. Intravenous pyelogram shows bilateral duplex kidneys. On the right side, upper moiety ureter enters distally and is associated with a ureterocele.

  4. MANEJO DIAGNÓSTICO. La ecografía es actualmente la prueba radiodiagnóstica de elección. El ureterocele se caracteriza ecográficamente como una lesión quística, de bordes bien definidos, hipoecogénica/anecogénica y, sin señal Doppler en su interior.

  5. 26 de may. de 2022 · Resumen. Objetivos: exponer y describir las formas más frecuentes de presentación del ureterocele, valorando su diagnóstico radiológico, pronóstico y sus posibles complicaciones.

  6. 26 de may. de 2022 · Objetivo docente: Realizar una revisión de los hallazgos radiológicos del ureterocele, sus distintas formas de presentación (ortotópico o ectópico; único o doble sistema excretor), y sus complicaciones asociadas (dilatación del tracto urinario, reflujo vesicoureteral) a propósito de una serie de casos de nuestro hospital.

  7. 12 de oct. de 2023 · Author Information and Affiliations. Last Update: October 12, 2023. Go to: A ureterocele is a congenital anomaly characterized by the cystic dilatation of the intravesical portion of the distal ureter. [1] . The anomaly could affect a single-system kidney, but it primarily affects the upper pole of a duplicated renal unit in 80% of cases. [1] [2]