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  1. The IONA® test is an advanced prenatal screening test which is offered to pregnant women to estimate the risk that their fetus may be affected with Trisomy 21 (Down’s syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards’ syndrome) or Trisomy 13 (Patau’s syndrome).

  2. 8 de feb. de 2017 · The IONA test is a novel complete automated, easy-to-use workflow system for the detection of fetal aneuploidies (trisomy 13, 18, and 21) from maternal plasma. It utilises the advantages of NGS on an Ion Proton sequencing platform for a high level of sampling of the cfDNA fragments.

  3. The IONA® test is Yourgenes proprietary Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) for pregnant women which estimates the risk of a fetus having Down’s syndrome (Trisomy 21), Edwards' syndrome (Trisomy 18) and Patau’s Syndrome (Trisomy 13) from as early as 10 weeks gestation.

  4. 28 de dic. de 2015 · Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT), using methods of cell‐free DNA (cfDNA) analysis, provides the most accurate assessment for fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13, compared with screening methods that combine maternal age, and ultrasound and serum biochemical markers.

  5. The IONA® Nx NIPT Workflow is a fully validated workflow which utilises Next Generation Sequencing technology, to estimate the risk of a fetus having Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, Autosomal Aneuploidies (AA), Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies (SCA) and the most clinically relevant microdeletions.

  6. Prueba Prenatal No Invasiva. Es la Prueba Prenatal No Invasiva de Cryolab, te brinda la calma desde la semana 10 de tu embarazo con resultados rápidos y confiables reduciendo la necesidad de realizar una prueba invasiva, el estrés y ansiedad asociados a ellos. Determina el sexo de tu bebé (opcional).

  7. The data indicate that the IONA test provides a robust, accurate automated workflow suitable for use on maternal blood samples to screen for trisomies 13, 18, and 21. The test has the potential to reduce the number of unnecessary invasive procedures performed and facilitate testing by screening labo ….