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  1. whoooooo!!!!!! whoo!! igot 678 points. weeeeeeee BOL. wat the point fun. Balls of Life: Take your journey from cradle to grave in the happiest of all possible forms: a smiling yellow ball! Get a job, pay taxes.

  2. Take your journey from cradle to grave in the happiest of all possible forms: a smiling yellow ball!

  3. 11 de nov. de 2013 · Are you ready to discover how passes the life of a yellow ball? From the birth period to the old age, what has been happened to the life of a yellow and if you are wonder to discover all of them. Initiate the game as soon as possible. The adventure begins!

  4. Jugar a 👌 Balls Of Life Online 👌 - Pasa un buen rato con este fantástico juego tipo plataformas. Haz rebotar la bola superando un montón de trampas y obstáculos peligrosos, y consigue llegar a la luz roja. Usa flechas para jugar.

  5. 28 de feb. de 2010 · Publishers: Addicting Games. Language: English. Play Mode: Single Player. Library: Flash Games. Take your journey from cradle to grave in the happiest of all possible forms: a smiling yellow ball!

  6. 11 de nov. de 2013 · Are you ready to discover how passes the life of a yellow ball? From the birth period to the old age, what has been happened to the life of a yellow and if you are wonder to discover all of them. Initiate the game as soon as possible. The adventure begins!

  7. Eres una bolita bastante habilidosa que no conoce el problema en el que está metida. Como no corras por todas las plataformas lo suficientemente rápido, terminarás por caer al vacío donde morirás sin más. Aún así el camino que te depara no es fácil en nin

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