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  1. Directions: Answer the questions and Activities based on the topic discussed and understanding. Do the Activities below. Good Life Collage. Cut out pictures in magazines or newspapers that demonstrate how technology has made the man's desire for a happy life more realizable.

  2. Draft open-ended questions that advance student learning and inspire a range of answers (avoiding closed-ended, vague, or leading questions). Vary question complexity over the course of a discussion. If there’s one right answer, ask students about their process to get to the right answer.

  3. The following tips highlight key features of effective online discussion strategies, whether for discussion groups. These are general strategies. Be sure to read and follow your course-specific discussion assignment instructions.

  4. Think of a topic you that would be appropriate for an online discussion. Write down the goals of the unit or activity. Then develop three questions that map directly back to the overall learning goals, and that will help guide your students to comprehensively address the topic.

  5. How can we get students to dig deeper, compare, contrast, synthesize, question, and extend based on the discussion board answers? Form small discussion groups Small groups help establish three conditions that enable the “respond to the prompt” type of discussions to thrive.

  6. Overall, when narrowing your topic, you should start by asking yourself four basic questions based on the constraints discussed earlier in this section: Does the topic match my intended general purpose? Is the topic appropriate for my audience? Is the topic appropriate for the given speaking context?

  7. Practice: Generate three research ideas based on each of the following: informal observations, practical problems, and topics discussed in recent issues of professional journals.