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  1. Duke University. Princeton Theological Seminary. James Hamilton Charlesworth (born May 30, 1940) is an American academic who served as the George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature until January 17, 2019, and Director of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project at the Princeton Theological Seminary.

  2. James H. Charlesworth is Princeton Theological Seminary’s George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature Emeritus. He specializes in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the OId and New Testaments, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Josephus, Jesus research, and the Gospel of John.

  3. 27 de abr. de 2021 · English. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Volume 1. Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments. Edited by James H. Charlesworth 1983. Contents: Foreword and introduction. Apocalyptic literature and related work. 1Enoch (Ethiopic Apocalypse of) - Isaac. 2Enoch (Slavonic Apocalypse of) - Andersen.

  4. James H. Charlesworth has been a professor in Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Duke University, and the George L. Collord Profess of New Testament Language and Literature at Princeton Seminary. He also serves as president of the Foundation on Judaism and Christian Origins. He has written 90 books and edited hundreds more.

  5. 64 Mercer Street. Princeton, NJ 08542. United States. Phone: (609) 921-8300. James H. Charlesworth is Princeton Seminary’s George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature and director and editor of the Seminary’s Dead Sea Scrolls Project.

  6. James H. Charlesworth ocupa la cátedra George L. Collord de Lengua y Literatura Neotestamentarias y es director del "Proyecto Manuscritos del Mar Muerto" en el Seminario Teológico de Princeton, con sede en Princeton (Nueva Jersey). Es autor o editor de más de sesenta libros. Bibliografía.

  7. James H. Charlesworth. Princeton Theological Seminary, Department of Biblical Studies, Faculty Member. Follow. Research Interests: Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion), Historical Jesus, Gospel of John, Enoch literature, and Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Papers. Research on the New Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. by James H. Charlesworth.