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  1. Peter Aufschnaiter (2 November 1899 – 12 October 1973) was an Austrian mountaineer, agricultural scientist, geographer and cartographer. His experiences with fellow climber Heinrich Harrer during World War II were depicted in the 1997 film Seven Years in Tibet.

  2. Peter Aufschnaiter (* 2. November 1899 in Kitzbühel, Österreich-Ungarn; † 12. Oktober 1973 in Innsbruck) war ein österreichisch-nepalesischer Bergsteiger, Agrarwissenschaftler, Entwicklungshelfer und Kartograf

  3. 10 de ago. de 2022 · Learn about the life and adventures of Peter Aufschnaiter, who accompanied Heinrich Harrer on their famous escape to Tibet in 1939. Discover how he adopted Tibetan culture, helped the locals, and wrote a memoir of his eight years in the Himalaya.

  4. Learn about the life and achievements of Peter Aufschnaiter, who was a pioneering alpinist, agricultural expert, cartographer and archaeologist in Tibet, Nepal and India. He was also a friend and colleague of Heinrich Harrer, the author of Seven Years in Tibet.

  5. Aufschnaiter war ferner für sämtliche topographischen Benennungen auf der Landkarte des Kumbu-Mt. Everestgebietes des Alpenvereines verant­wortlich. In Mustang entdeckte er wertvolle früh buddhistische Fresken, erforschte eingehend das Sozialverhalten der Tibeter und brachte schließlich auch Klarheit über den für das Land seit alters her ...

  6. Learn about the research project that aims to make accessible the unpublished materials of Peter Aufschnaiter, a Swiss engineer and explorer who lived in Tibet and Nepal for decades. The project explores his diaries, manuscripts, documents, texts, correspondence, visual materials and objects from social anthropological and historical perspectives.

  7. The project aims to make accessible and publish the materials generated by Peter Aufschnaiter, a Swiss engineer and explorer who lived in Tibet and Nepal from 1944 to 1971. The materials include diaries, manuscripts, documents, texts, correspondence, visual materials and objects that document Tibetan society and culture.