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  1. Karl Fritzsch (10 July 1903 – reported missing 2 May 1945) was a German member of the Nazi paramilitary organization, the Schutzstaffel (SS) from 1933 to 1945. He was a deputy and acting commandant at the Auschwitz concentration camp. According to Rudolf Höss, Fritzsch first suggested using poisonous gas Zyklon B for the purpose ...

  2. El 29 de julio de 1941, el comandante jefe Karl Fritzsch ordenó que diez hombres debían morir de hambre en respuesta a la supuesta fuga de tres internos.

  3. 3 de oct. de 2021 · El oficial nazi Karl Fritzsch (1903-1945), a cargo del campo, ordenó que diez personas elegidas al azar entre los reclusos fueran condenadas a muerte, como represalia, para enviar un mensaje de...

  4. Karl Fritzsch was a SS officer who ran the Auschwitz and Flossenbürg camps. He was accused of inventing the first gassing of inmates at Auschwitz, but this claim is disputed by historians.

  5. 3 de sept. de 2016 · Karl Fritzsch was a German SS officer who first used Zyklon B gas to kill Russian POWs and sick prisoners in Auschwitz. He was arrested, transferred to the front line and possibly died in the Battle of Berlin in 1945.

  6. 23 de jun. de 2022 · Sociedad. A 80 años de la creación de las cámaras de gas: el nazi más vil, alcohol para los verdugos y la fábrica de matar. En junio de 1942 comenzaron a funcionar a pleno en los distintos campos...

  7. 30 de ago. de 2005 · Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum historian Franciszek Piper says that using Zyklon-B to kill people was the brainchild of deputy camp commandant Hauptsturmfuehrer SS Karl Fritzsch, who also supervised the first poison gas operations.