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  1. The Organ fue una banda de Vancouver, Canadá, formada en 2001 e integrada por: Katie Sketch, Deb Cohen, Jenny Smyth, Shelby Stocks y Ashley Webber. El sonido de la banda se podría definir como post-punk por la mayoría de sus oyentes.

  2. 21 de may. de 2006 · Video clip of The Organ's single "Brother"

  3. The Organ was a Canadian post-punk band formed in Vancouver in 2001. They officially broke up in 2006 due to illness and personal conflicts in the band.

  4. The Organ. Canadian indie pop band formed in 2001 in Vancouver, British Columbia. They officially broke up on December 7, 2006, due to illness and personal conflicts in the band.

  5. El órgano es un instrumento musical que produce sonido al conducir aire insuflado por medio de una turbina con un fuelle, a través de unos tubos preseleccionados desde un teclado.

  6. In music, the organ is a keyboard instrument of one or more pipe divisions or other means (generally woodwind or electric) for producing tones. The organs have usually two or three, up to five, manuals for playing with the hands and a pedalboard for playing with the feet.

  7. The Organ was an all female quintet that played melodic and introspective music with organ, guitar, bass and drums. They released two albums and a swan song EP before breaking up in 2008.

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